Sunday, July 25, 2010

there may be hope after all...

baby watermelon
Even after my gorgeous sunflowers sizzled in the summer sun, I have found new life emerging in my garden. Several pumpkins are growing and one is even starting to turn its signature orange color. Some various sized baby watermelons are taking shape as well. Some as small as a golf ball and the largest one is slightly bigger than a grapefruit! Now, hopefully the bugs and birds will stay away!

Even my tomato plants are taking a turn for the better. They have several flowers on them and seem to be full of life. One actually has gotten so large that it fell over! I had to get a bigger cage to support it. Maybe there is one giant tomato waiting to appear!

Monday, July 12, 2010

the heat is on!

So it's super hot in Texas now despite the recent rain. Some of my sunflowers couldn't take the heat and shriveled up! My husband and I just got back into town after being gone for over a week. The garden definitely needed some tending to when we returned. While my pumpkin vines and flowers have taken over a large portion of the garden, they have yet to produce any fruit. It looks to be the same with the tomato plants which have gotten quite tomatoes! The watermelons which have a mind of their own as well have several tiny watermelon fruits dangling from their crawling vines. The cilantro has finished producing and has gone back to seed. I pulled the seeds off and will dry them and save them for planting next spring. The green beans are still producing and we have gotten to eat many of them! Well I guess I will be getting my wild jungle of a garden back under control asap!